Online Employee, Staff Scheduling | Human Resources Management

Posted by larkpetyton on 11:00 AM with 4 comments
HRMAX is the industry's leading online employee staff scheduling Canada software, reducing the time it takes managers to create, communicate, and human resources

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Managing a business today isn't easy! To maintain a competitive advantage, you need instant access to actionable information and consistent communication with your staff using the latest technologies available! How do you do this in today's busy world with staff coming and going all the time…Say hello to HRMAX!


  • Communication
  • Employee Scheduling
  • Time And Attendance
  • Savings
  • Increase Productivity
  • Automate Reports

HRMAX will automate and drastically improve communication, staff scheduling Canada, productivity and staff moral and most of all save your business human resources time and money freeing you up to better manage other areas of your business! Don’t be bogged down anymore…let HRMAX help run your HR needs quietly in the background for you…your staff will love it!


From small businesses to large enterprise operations, management teams in nearly every industry are using HRMAX, to improve and grow their businesses.


In retail, you don’t have time to waste trying to build schedules from scratch. HRMAX is helping leading retailers automate their operations allowing for streamlined shift swapping. In Retail our customers have stringed labor budgets to work with and HRMAX will help ensure you meet those budgets!


There are so many moving parts in a hotel. Our customers use HRMAX to connect them all ensuring communication is never an issue that can drastically effect customer service, the backbone of this industry. Mobile access to information allows hotel staff to be in many areas of your property but always connected!

Increase staff accountability
Memo tracking and automatic HR file updates
Real time two way communication
stay connected while on the go
Manage your workforce from anywhere in the world on any mobile device
Put employee schedules and actionable information in your staff’s hands when they need it
Your data is accessible and protected in the cloud

Our Services

Enterprise Customization Services :-
If you are a larger operation with out of the box needs, we will work with your business to make HRMAX fit your environment. Employee scheduling, we have a full support team ready to customize areas of HRMAX to integrate with your company’s technologies delivering the results you need with an end to end solutions based approach. HRMAX integrates with an ecosystem of applications and systems that will drive results for your business

Biometric Integration :-
At HRMAX we offer a cutting edge biometric system to capture attendance. In addition to helping you reduce overtime and payroll costs and get control over your labor costs.
Automated time registration and collection reduces errors, time theft and improves efficiency.

Managing your workforce and processing payroll quickly and accurately begins with reliable data which our Biometric solution ensures. There are additional charges for a biometric system. Ask us about our affordable pricing.


HRMAX uses leading edge industry technology and practices to protect and manage your companies sensitive data. We use the same encryption used by online banks to ensure your data is secure at all times. We also monitor any activity associated with your account 24/7 so you don’t have to…your safe with HRMAX


Phone: 877-505-3282
Fax: 877-505-3282